Maintaining Good Health and Balance

Health & Beauty, Health Wellness

The first element to Good Health is being emotionally healthy. Emotionally healthy people are balanced and their attitudes, feelings and emotions are pleasant and positive. Healthy people are also generally optimistic, and they have an interest in learning about the world. A healthy person is active, imaginative and fun-loving and he or she is always optimistic and has high self-esteem. Good Health is a condition of mental, physical and emotional well being where infirmity and illness are absent.

The second element of Good Health is through a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and cereals, fish, poultry and eggs, low fat dairy products, low saturated fat dairy products, low sodium foods and alcohol. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation and tobacco should be avoided. Good Health is ensured through a well-balanced diet that is nutritionally adequate and which includes a well-balanced amount of vitamins and minerals.

The third element of Good Health is through physical fitness. People need a healthy body weight for the proper functioning of all the body systems. The in-depth knowledge of Good Health helps us to become physically fit and we experience a number of benefits, such as better immunity against infectious diseases, good health, lower body weight and low incidence of chronic degenerative diseases, enhanced brain functioning, a low risk of cancer, better skin complexion and energy levels, improved concentration, good memory, good eyesight, sound sleep, good digestion, strong bones, strong lungs, and healthy emotions and relationships. Good Health is a complex inter-related system of factors that influence our ability to live a productive life and achieve our goals.

The fourth component is through lifestyle choices. A healthy lifestyle can be achieved through a healthy diet, regular exercise, quitting smoking, minimizing alcohol intake and keeping weight at a reasonable level. It is also important to make smart lifestyle choices regarding what types of foods we eat and how much quantity we consume. The quality of our relationships, both with other people and with our spouse, children, parents, and colleagues; our level of stress, our capacity to learn and improve, and our satisfaction with life; and other socioeconomic status-related factors all influence our lifestyle choices and how we think and feel about ourselves. In order to achieve Good Health, it is important to balance the different components of Good Health in order to find the “place” where Good Health really lies.

In light of the varying definitions and measurement methods for Good Health, and the inter-relatedness of the different components of Good Health, determining what a healthy and fit lifestyle is may still be a challenge for many of us. However, it is important to be aware that there are different definitions of Good Health by developed countries, and it would be unrealistic to expect that a 20-year-old living in New York has the same definition of Good Health as a 60-year-old in Japan or the United Kingdom. For some, Good Health encompasses having a healthy body weight; while for others, Good Health means being physically active and well educated.

Good Health is about more than how you look at your body, although it certainly plays a critical role in how you view yourself. Good Health requires that you maintain a balanced and nutritious diet; get regular exercise, and engage in some form of mental, social, or spiritual wellness. Good Health is truly a lifestyle choice; and it doesn’t come easily.