Good Health – A Healthy Life

Health Wellness

Good health is a condition where body, mind and spirit are balanced. It is a condition where disease and infirmity are not present. It is essential to have good health since good health is the basis of preventing and controlling any health problems. It also entails physical activities that maintain a healthy body and promote self-care and community services. Good health is the result of the interplay between physical, emotional and mental elements that occur within individuals, families, communities, the nation as a whole, and the world.

Good health is affected by both mental as well-being and physical aspects of an individual, family, community or the nation as a whole. Mental health is affected by the quality of relationships and interactions with people, daily activities, work, school, and life in general. While, on the other hand, physical health is influenced by daily practices, such as sleeping right, eating right, exercising regularly, and avoiding dangerous health risks such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

In order to achieve good health, it is necessary to avoid physical stress, whether it be caused by stress from work, family and/or school, financial stress, relationship problems, or any other type of physical stress. Controlling stress helps individuals in achieving physical wellness, and when an individual is able to control his/her stress levels, it is possible to achieve a balanced mental health. In addition, reducing stress levels also reduces the possibility of developing any long-term physical illness.