Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Would Relate To Our Own Ecological Health

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A famous Psychology professor called Erickson Maslow believed that all humans have 7 basic needs. These needs are then related to our self-preservation, our physical well being, our security, our relationships and our material need. These needs then have different roles to fulfill depending on our position in society. For example, for a person at the bottom of the pyramid, physical security is the most important need. However, if that person falls from the top of the pyramid, their material wants diminish and they become less concerned with their safety and wellbeing.

It therefore makes sense that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs would relate to our own ecological health or to the need for physical security. In order to explain human behaviour, it helps to take into account what the environment is like and how we might relate to it. We will use the example of a child as an illustration. The needs of a child will be different from those of adults, just as the needs of humans and animals differ.

  • A child needs to get their basic needs met, particularly their food and their sleep.
  • They also need security and a group of friends to allow them to explore and develop their imaginations.
  • They also need to have a sense of belonging and this might come in the form of a family or community or some kind of social institution.
  • As they grow up, they tend to seek out for opportunities to work in a structured setting where they can use their creativity and their skills.
  • They may want to join the military, they may be executives, or any number of other places where they can use their skills and excel in an organised setting.

A little further on from the level of the individual is the need for an individual to be able to meet their needs for social approval. This is especially true in the case of young children who have yet to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. In these cases the school system can provide a valuable source of guidance and mentoring. The parents themselves may need professional help in this area as well, particularly if they have experienced similar situations in their own life. All of these need to be factored into an overall plan for improving the environmental health of the entire society in which we live.

The need for an individual to belong to something bigger than themselves can also factor in. When you look at the larger institutions of higher learning in colleges and universities around the world, you see very wealthy and successful students but do not think that they belong to anything special or different from any other student. No, they are still students pursuing an education and pursuing a goal of success. They are all following in the same basic needs that were outlined above – an adequate education, security, a network of friends, and a supportive environment.

Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

This is why a better understanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is important if you are going to understand why there are so many people struggling with health-related issues in today’s society. There is no way that we can say that any or all of these needs are universal. The needs and situations of each person are specific to their environment, their personality, and their level of personal success. This is why a better understanding of the hierarchy of needs and the environmental health needs of humans is absolutely necessary if we are going to solve these problems.

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