Build Strength, Size, and a Better Looking Body

Body Positivity, Health Condition A-Z

The absolute best full body exercise is what everybody that is into physical fitness craves. Maximum possible return for your effort and time. Good news: it’s easier than you think it is to get it done. You don’t need any fancy equipment; you just need to place a little more than just the bare minimum amount of work in front of you. And that’s just the beginning.

I’ve recently been doing some extensive research on how to construct my own complete muscle program. The results are amazing; I am literally losing inches from my midsection while toning my entire body at the same time. There is a way to build muscle without spending thousands of dollars on supplements, powders, or even having personal trainers visit your home several times a week.

My first order of business was to add a few exercises to my existing routine. The first ones were simple to do and advanced bodybuilders use them all the time. Full body squats, shoulder presses, deadlifts, pull-ups, and dips are all elements of a good full-body routine. Once I got these basic movements down pat, it was time to move on to other areas. That’s when the magic happened.

What I found is that you can easily build strength and size all over your body using compound exercises. That’s right: full body compound exercises. That’s what makes them so effective for building up muscle mass they work multiple muscle groups at once. The bigger and stronger you are, the more weight you can lift with an exercise such as the barbell.

For example, let’s say you’re doing a deadlift. You don’t have to stop at the ground to do a deadlift, because the weight continues to be lifted off the ground as you bend down. This means you’ll be working not only your lower back abs, and glutes, but also your forearms, obliques, triceps, biceps, and chest.

If you haven’t taken advantage of exercises like the barbell back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift, then you’re missing out on one of the most important components of an overall bodybuilding routine. I used to recommend doing these exercises separately, because they’re usually more difficult to do than other exercises, but with dumbbells, you can do them together. That’s because when you curl the weight with dumbbells, you keep the weight over your head, which forces you to use your entire core to lift the weight. This is the “flawless” part of dumbbell presses.

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