Function Of Public Health Policy In Promoting Healthy Living

Health Wellness

The function of public health policy is to promote healthy living. In other words, it aims at preventing the spread of contagious diseases. It is a form of legislation which governs how health services are to be administered. A well-maintained public health system ensures that every citizen has access to quality healthcare. And, hence, policy makers have placed great emphasis on this policy since it is directly responsible for keeping the citizens healthy.

There are many functions of public health policy.

  • One of the primary functions is to protect the consumer’s right to choose whatever health regimen he or she wants.
  • Another important function of public health policy is to ensure adequate protection for the interests of those with HIV/AIDS and other life threatening diseases.
  • Prevention of diseases like these is also supposed to reduce risk to employment and economic standing of infected individuals.
  • Besides, it should also prevent the transmission of transmittable diseases.

Public health policy can be implemented by local communities and may cover all aspects of health care delivery. It may include disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and socializing. Community wide programs may even include alcohol and drug abuse and addiction and family planning and education. A public health program is usually integrated with community and family programs.

Function of public health policy in promoting healthy living may also extend to protect the environment. Policy makers have realized the importance of preserving the environment for future generations. They are therefore trying hard to make the world a better place by taking precautions to limit global warming. One of the best methods to cut down on global warming is by devoting some of the waste generated by industries to the environment.

Policy makers try to make health policies that address the whole health of an individual. This means that, a policy may focus on reducing the chances of getting cancer, while at the same time reducing the risks of heart disease and diabetes. Public health policies also take into account the way an individual’s lifestyle may affect his/her general health. This way they try to make people more active and healthy.

The main aim of public health policy is to create awareness about the need for improved health and hygiene. To implement a public health policy, there are several organizations that can be contacted. The first and foremost contact should be with the local politicians or members of the local population. A good source of information about public health policies is the World Health Organization (WHO) website. WHO also has a valuable resource library for research assistance?